When is The Surgical Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth Recommended?

Many people have questions about wisdom teeth, especially when it comes to knowing if they should be removed. You need to understand that not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. But, when they cause problems or pose a risk to your oral health, surgical extraction might be the best option. Wisdom teeth can be a source of pain and complications, sometimes requiring surgical extraction. It’s essential to consult a dentist in Bundoora if you experience any issues with your wisdom teeth. They can determine if surgical extraction of wisdom tooth is necessary and explain the procedure in detail. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When a partially or fully impacted wisdom tooth is stuck beneath the gum line or bone, it cannot erupt normally. This can cause pain, pressure, swelling, and damage to the surrounding teeth. Moreover, impacted teeth also increase the risk of cysts, infections, and jawbone damage. Make sure to visit a dental clinic in Bundoora if you suspect impacted wisdom teeth.

When Extraction Is Recommended?

Pain and discomfort – If wisdom teeth are erupting, they can cause pain, pressure, and inflammation in the gums.

Crowding or misalignment – Wisdom teeth can push against other teeth, causing crowding, misalignment, and even tooth decay.

Damage to surrounding teeth – Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can damage the roots or crowns of nearby teeth.

Cysts or infections – Impacted wisdom teeth can create cysts or infections in the jawbone.

Difficulty cleaning – Wisdom teeth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush and floss are more prone to decay and gum disease.

Preventive Extraction

Crowded mouth: If there’s limited space in the mouth, a dentist might recommend removing wisdom teeth to prevent future problems. In some cases, even if the wisdom teeth aren’t causing problems now, there’s a high risk of them causing problems in the future.

It’s important to consult a dentist to determine if wisdom teeth extraction is necessary. They will assess the position and condition of your wisdom teeth, consider your overall oral health, and advise on the best course of action.

Remember, not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. If they erupt normally and don’t cause any problems, they can remain in your mouth. Whether you need dental treatment for kids, Invisalign, orthodontic treatments, teeth whitening, general dentistry, dental crowns, dental veneers, endodontics, or emergency dental treatments, contact the dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today. We also provide our dental care services to all patients in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs including Macleod, Watsonia, Kingsbury, Reservoir, Greensborough, and many more.