Flossing Is Important For You When You Have Braces – Here’s Why?

Braces are an effective way to straighten your teeth, correct overbites, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, jawline correction, and jaw disorders. However, when you have braces, cleaning and flossing can seem a bit harder and frustrating. Cleaning and keeping the teeth white with braces takes time and effort & once you practice, you can keep your teeth feeling clean and healthy. Regular brushing & flossing is crucial when you have braces to curb cavities and gingivitis. People with braces are prone to bacterial infections as they fail to clean and floss their teeth. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the importance of flossing your teeth.

Dentist Greensborough

When you have braces, the brackets on your teeth trap food particles & the wires get in the way, making it harder for you to clean.  When left uncleaned, the bacteria settle in, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.  If it is difficult to clean the hard-to-reach areas, you’re more likely to develop gingivitis & cavities.

When you floss regularly with braces

It prevents swollen & bleeding gums & decreases chances of tooth decay, gum disease & prevents white spots from forming around the brackets. It keeps your teeth clean and healthy and makes the world better.

Floss Your Teeth The Right Away!

Waxed floss proves to be a better option and is more effective in cleaning your teeth; it is much thicker than unwaxed floss & glides in easily than unwaxed ones.

You can also use a floss threader, which slips between each teeth and cleans them gently. Also, young children with braces should get help from parents or Bundoora dentist while flossing for a safe and better clean.

Take an 18-inch floss using a threader, gently use the end of the threader to direct the floss under the wire. Then, gently slide the floss along the side and up into the gum line of each tooth. Remove the floss and re-thread it under the wire to pass between the next pair of teeth.

However, flossing alone is not enough. You should brush three times a day and spend at least brush for 2-4 minutes, gently on the brackets, gumline, and the inside to clear all the leftovers. Also, ensure to eat teeth-friendly foods and avoid foods that damage your braces.

Do you need braces? Or need advice on cleaning your teeth? Call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.