
Unusual Causes Of Teeth Crowding

After all, who doesn’t like to have a symmetrical and beautiful smile? However, people with teeth crowding find it hard and super uncomfortable.  If you are one among them, visit the Dentist in Bundoora to get help on your dental crowding issues. People with crowded teeth also face pain that comes from one tooth putting pressure on the other, and leads to tooth sensitivity and severe pain and bleeding while brushing.

If the pain seems to be consistent and unbearable, visit an orthodontist at a dental clinic in Bundoora. Apart from the general reasons like a small jaw, tongue thrusting, and thumb sucking, there are many other serious that cause one to have crowded teeth. Let’s see them in detail.

Teeth crowding is not always about an aesthetic concern; it can have serious health concerns as well.

A Cleft Lip Or Palate

This is a serious birth condition or syndrome where the upper lip or mouth has an opening or split in the roof part. Children or babies with cleft palate will have missing teeth or extra teeth in the line of the cleft, which eventually leads to teeth crowding in the later stage.

Genetics And Poor Oral Habits

Your jaw size and shape are strongly related to genes.  Genes control how your teeth form into shape and sometimes may not form properly. If you have a small jaw, all the teeth won’t have sufficient space to grow, leading to overcrowding or crooked teeth. It may lead to under bite or overbite problems, and pain and makes your oral hygiene practices difficult.

Losing Baby Teeth Prematurely

Premature tooth loss can also be one of the reasons for crowded teeth. If the baby tooth is lost at an earlier stage, the adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth often start to shift to the space, causing teeth crowding. Also, sometimes baby teeth that are not lost on time can lead to a serious orthodontic condition.

If you are struggling with crowded teeth and want to fix them, consult with our dentists from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.

Cosmetic Dental Treatments You Should Know

Everyone loves to have a straight and confident smile. Instead of just imagining a picture-perfect smile, you can get one with professional cosmetic dental treatments. From minor fixes to major surgeries, there are plenty of cosmetic treatments available. If you want to enhance your smile, you can fix an appointment with a skilled and experienced dentist in Bundoora to discuss your needs. They can transform anyone’s teeth to get the smile you desire to have. However, when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there is no one-size fits. Not all cosmetic treatments work for everyone. Your dentist can help determine which treatment is right for you to enhance your smile.

Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening

If you have problems with teeth stains or yellow teeth, cosmetic teeth whitening is the best option. They use specific teeth bleaching and whitening solutions to clean the stains and whiten the teeth. You can get the teeth whitening treatment done at the dental clinic in Bundoora. Before that, get a checkup with the dentist to see if tooth whitening is the only viable option for you.

Dental Veneers

Whether you are bothered by chipped or crooked teeth or have small spaces in between, dental veneers are recommended.  These are thin shells made of porcelain and composite material and are custom-made to your teeth condition.

Dental Implants

If you have a missing tooth or have multiple teeth missing due to any accident, dental implants can be a great option. These are metal devices surgically planted into your jawbone and act as the tooth root to support your crown, bridge, or denture.

Orthodontic Treatments

Having buck teeth or teeth protrusion can affect your confidence. Ask your dentist for orthodontic treatment that helps correct your crooked teeth and gives a straight smile. Even if you have any dental issues, you can consult with the dentist to get the right solution.

Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is suggested for patients’ teeth that are badly damaged, chipped or broken.  This procedure is recommended to repair or restore the appearance of the teeth.

If you want to improve your teeth, discuss with your dentist your cosmetic needs and get the best dental procedure to give you the smile you desire. To get an appointment with the dentist, call the dentists in Bundoora from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.

How To Fix Your “Gummy Smile”?

Is “Gummy smile” affecting your confidence to smile? Many orthodontic treatments are available to correct your smile. However, the right choice of dental treatment depends on the primary cause of the problem. All you need to do is, check with dentists in Bundoora to help you. If you have been hiding your smile because of the gums being prominent when you smile, it’s time to visit the dental clinic in Bundoora to have a look at it. A gummy smile is something that exposes too much of your gums along with your teeth. It’s often the result of abnormal tooth eruption, jaw development, hyperactive upper lip, muscular bite, and much more.  If you are looking for ways to correct your gummy smile, here are some ways.


Orthodontic Treatments

If the gummy smile is caused due to misaligned jaws or a bad bite, using orthodontic appliances like braces or Invisalign aligners can help. This helps align the jaws, corrects bite problems, and helps make your gums look smaller when smiling.

Veneers Or Crowns

When your upper teeth appear short, it impacts the number of gums visible when you smile. It’s due to wear and tear, and sometimes even genetics could be the reason. Take dental restorations can help balance the space and give you a beautiful smile.

Lip Surgery

If you suffer from a hyperactive lip or short lip, gums will be exposed.  Dentists may recommend you for lip repositioning surgery to correct the gums and help you achieve the smile you want.

Laser Gum Contouring

More than complicated jaw surgery, dental laser gum contouring can help remove extra gum tissues and can make your smile less gummy. The remaining tissue is reshaped to expose more of your teeth.  Gum contouring can be done via laser or surgery.

If you want to make your smile less gummy, bright, and lovely, consult with our dentists in Bundoora from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

What Does Your Tongue Tell About Your Oral Health? – Let’s Find Out!

When finding any issue in your health, you all look for differences in your body temperature, skin colour, energy, and blood pressure. Of all the things, you see and check, your tongue is one of the body parts you take for granted. The tongue plays a role in tasting and swallowing food, but you still don’t care about it. And, believe it or not, your dentist can determine the cause of your health issue by simply checking your tongue’s colour and oral health.  In today’s blog, let’s find out what our tongue colour says about your health.

White Layer On Tongue

Your tongue should be pink in colour, it means you are healthy.  However, if you don’t clean your tongue while brushing, the food residue will get settled on the tongue. It might be a yeast overgrowth that happens inside the oral cavity. It happens when you don’t brush your tongue like your teeth.

White Patches

White patches on the tongue indicate that you use excessive tobacco or smoke. It is better to visit a Bundoora dentist to check your health condition and rule out the possibility of oral cancer.

Red Tongue and Bumpy Patches

If your tongue looks red, it might be due to a deficiency such as folic acid or B-12. Just add B-12 vitamins to your diet or syrup to reduce the redness. If the tongue appears bumpy or textured, you might have a severe fever and need to take a pill or visit the doctor immediately.

Tender And Sore Tongue

Sometimes, your throat may feel numb or sore, and it shows up on your tongue. This is when you feel sensitive on one side or all over. You might have to check whether it’s a canker sore or meet a dentist.

Hairy Tongue

It may feel like you are biting a strand of hair on your tongue, and you might want to spit out. It is due to a protein buildup that forms inside. You can gently brush them off or use a scraper to scrap off the white protein layer.

Whether mild fever or serious, your dentist can help figure out the health issue and guide you with the right course of treatment. Follow your oral hygiene and take your oral and dental check-ups only from dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening – Check Out!

New Year 2023 has come. Well, there are always a set of resolutions we take every year like staying fit and healthy, changing the way we work, and prepping up diet plans to improve overall health. However, one of the most common concerns people have is teeth discolouration. If this is your concern, you may find yourself not smiling in pictures, not liking your smile in the mirror, or covering your mouth while laughing or talking and it can deeply affect yourself-confidence. If discoloured teeth are something that’s bothering you, visit the dentist in Bundoora to plan your teeth whitening session. In today’s blog, let’s answer the most commonly asked questions about teeth whitening.

teeth whitening

Why Should You Get Your Teeth Whitening Treatment?

If you are concerned about how dull or yellow your teeth look, teeth whitening is the best solution. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that helps in getting rid of plaque, dirt, and other buildups from the teeth and gives your teeth a polished and bright look.  It’s not only about aesthetics but also helps in maintaining good oral health.

Should I Get Teeth Whitening Strips Instead Of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening strips are available in grocery stores and supermarkets. They are customized to your teeth or they don’t get to meet your desired results. They are affordable and only offer medium results. However, when you meet a Bundoora dentist for teeth whitening, he will listen to your concerns and expectations and accordingly provide effective whitening treatments that give your teeth a sparkling glow.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe For My Sensitive Teeth?

Teeth whitening treatments are safe for people with teeth sensitivity when it is performed by an experienced dentist. However, when you get OTC teeth whitening and polishing supplies, they won’t be as effective as you expect them to be. It might even severely damage your sensitive teeth.  However, your dentist ensures that your teeth whitening session is as comfortable as possible and will use less-concentrated bleaching solutions and even apply desensitizers to minimise any discomfort or side effects.

Now, you have clarity on how teeth whitening treatments work. If you want to whiten and brighten your teeth, get an appointment with our dental clinic in Bundoora – Greenwood Plenty Dental Clinic. To schedule an appointment with us, call (03) 9466 7843

Can Protruding Teeth Cause Dental Issues? – Find Out!

Some people have naturally aligned straight teeth in a curved arch that adds extra beauty to their faces. Many have imperfections like teeth gaps, yellow teeth, crowded teeth, and protruded teeth. That’s why many flocks to dentists in Bundoora to correct their teeth imperfections to achieve a straight smile. However, tooth protrusion can negatively impact their appearance, confidence, and mental health.  Besides that, it can also damage your teeth if not corrected.  In today’s blog, let’s figure out how protruding teeth can impact your overall health.

Mouth Closure

Protruding teeth can make your ability to close your mouth. However, if it prevents you from closing your mouth, it can make your lower jaw recede and continue to misalign. This will also lead to mouth breathing and poor sleep. Sometimes, this may cause migraines, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate.

Difficulty In Eating And Speaking

When your teeth protrude, it may be hard to eat efficiently. If you have a hard time, chewing your favourite foods or having a meal with friends or family, you will be more likely to limit certain foods. This can affect your nutrition and impact your health. For adults and kids, protruding teeth can also cause speech problems like lisping, whistling, or mispronunciations of consonants.  It can be a real struggle for daily communication. It’s best to visit the dentist as soon as possible for orthodontic treatments and speech therapies.

Risk Of Teeth Injury

If your teeth stick out, they are more prone to trauma when you fall.  Cracked teeth and uneven teeth wear can also cause teeth biting or biting inside the cheek and cause injury to your mouth.  Patients suffer tooth injury from tooth grinding and clenching. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should check with the Bundoora dentists as soon as possible.

If you have teeth protrusion and want to resolve it, get teeth straightening treatments from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.

Why Your Teeth Get Crowded? – Find Out The Reasons!

Dental crowding is a common orthodontic concern that can impact your health, smile, and confidence. When your mouth doesn’t have enough space for all your teeth, the new teeth will take a new place rather than their natural position to grow. All this leads to crooked and crowded teeth.  Dental crowding can put you up with discomforts like a cross bite, teeth overlapping, the strain on biting, jaw pain, and bleeding when brushing and flossing, and can be difficult to go through. However, every dental concern has a solution. Your dentist in Bundoora may suggest an Invisalign or braces align the crooked teeth and transform your smile. In today’s blog, let’s discuss why your tooth gets crowded and what can you do about it.

Losing Baby Teeth Early

If a baby tooth is lost early, the adjacent teeth will shift to the space, and when the new teeth emerge, it start to occupy an unnatural position to grow. This results in your teeth getting crowded and crooked. When this is left unchecked, you will start to face cross bite or overbite, pain in the jaw.

Extra Adult Teeth

Sometimes, an extra tooth in your mouth causes pressure on your jaw and gums, making them swollen and painful. These extra teeth grow behind your primary teeth where the teeth attach to your jaw. This is called a dental arch.

Tongue Thrusting

When you develop the habit of placing the tongue in the wrong position during swallowing either too forward or to the sides, the pressure from the tongue causes the teeth to move and leads to crowding.  Stress may also be a contributing factor to tongue thrusting.

Other Causes

Sometimes, factors like abnormal tooth growth or large teeth or reverse swallowing or having a small jaw, and dental crowding can be a common issue.

To ensure you combat the negatives of crowded teeth, visit thedental clinic in Bundoora. For appointments, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.

Why Do Teeth Get Discoloured Overtime? – Let’s Find Out!

A healthy white and sparkling tooth is on everyone’s wish list. However, if you have persistent stains causing your teeth to discoloured, you might need to visit your dentist in Bundoora for treatment. Only an experienced and qualified dentist can figure out if the stains are caused by lifestyle changes, poor hygiene, or stain-causing foods.  Many factors cause your teeth to look dark or stained. When you plan your appointment with a Bundoora Dentist, they will diagnose the condition and tell you what type of teeth whitening treatment options are available and what suits you based on your teeth stains. Often, reversing your natural white colour is possible. In today’s blog, let’s discover the agents that stain your teeth.

Lifestyle Habits

High-acidic and stain-causing foods like tea, coffee, and wine, starchy foods like pasta and potatoes, and foods made with food colour can stain your teeth. Bad habits like chewing tobacco, smoking, and alcohol consumption can darken your teeth’s colour.  If you forget to brush and floss your teeth, it can cause food stains and plaque, making your teeth look yellow. Also, skipping professional teeth cleaning sessions will make them even darker.

Medical Treatments

In some extreme cases, like head and neck radiation therapy or chemotherapy, dental materials like amalgam restorations, excessive use of fluoride-based mouthwash, tooth paste can leave a grey cast on your teeth and makes them appear darker.


Sometimes aging can also cause your tooth enamel to go weak. If the enamel runs out, your teeth’s dentin will be exposed. Dentin is generally yellow, making your teeth look dark and stained. Sometimes, getting your teeth hit by an accident or a severe teeth injury at a very young age can also disturb the enamel formation. When it is disturbed, it will result in teeth discolouration.

Bottom Line

Well, there is a wide range of teeth whitening strips, trays, mouthwashes, and toothpaste available in stores but an appointment with dentists from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care can give you a quick and efficient solution to your teeth whitening woes.  For appointments, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

How Often Should You Take Professional Teeth Cleanings?

Have you had teeth cleaning this year?  Professional teeth cleanings are not only for a bright and sparkling smile. You all might have heard about professional teeth cleanings from reputed dentists helps to reduce the risk of cavities and prevent any serious dental issues. However, how often are professional teeth cleanings recommended?  If you want to have clean and sparkling teeth, you must maintain your oral hygiene and consume teeth-strengthening foods. Dentist Bundoora suggests taking teeth cleanings twice a year. However, if your oral hygiene is poor or has dental issues, your visit to the Bundoora dentists would be more frequent.  In today’s blog, let’s explain professional teeth cleanings.

Dental Hygiene

Plaque And Tartar Build-up

Whether you have stained teeth or bad breath, teeth cleanings should be your utmost priority. It not only gives your teeth a fresh look to your teeth but also improves your overall health. Getting professional teeth cleanings helps to remove plaque-causing bacteria, strengthens the enamel, and reduces bad breath.  After the teeth cleaning, bacteria will start to occupy the teeth within two or three days. However, if you maintain dental care at home regularly, you can consider taking professional teeth cleanings twice a year.  So, you are less likely to have heavy tartar or plaque buildup that affects your dental health.

Identify Dental Issues

Visiting a dentist for professional teeth cleanings helps to identify early signs of dental issues than plaque. During the dental examination, a dentist can spot signs of oral cancer, new cavities, receding gums, protruding teeth, anaemia, and other medical issues. As you know, gum diseases are directly linked to cardiovascular diseases, and detecting them at an early stage will prevent any other serious consequences.

If you haven’t taken professional teeth cleanings, it’s not too late! Our dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care would love to help you. For appointments, call us at (03) 9466 7843 today.

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

Well, it may appear to be a simple question but it’s crucial to know that your oral hygiene tool has validity.  In some extreme cases, you need to replace the toothbrush sooner than you should. You need to realize that toothbrushes won’t last forever. Like how you change your worn-out shoes, clothes, and other things, you must change your toothbrush when the bristles have become frayed and dry. Though replacing a toothbrush purely depends on your usage and personal preferences, dentists Bundoora recommends having it replaced every three to four months. So before you brush, make sure to check the condition of your toothbrush.

When you don’t change your toothbrush, the cleaning becomes less effective; it may affect your dental health, causing infection.

Change Once In Three Months

Your toothbrush is the best cleaning tool that fights against disease-causing bacteria and prevents tooth decay and other dental issues. If you have been practicing brushing thrice a day, chances are that your toothbrush bristles may go weak soon. You must change the brush once in three months for effective cleaning. If you use an orthodontic toothbrush specified for braces, check with the dentist for replacements.

Sore Throat And Cold

If viral infections, strep throat, and sinuses are a concern to you, you may have to change the toothbrush every two months. No matter what, always clean your toothbrush in lukewarm water and keep the head stand upright in the container. Make sure it gets dried in the air and should not cover it in a plastic case or container as bacteria thrive well in a moist environment.

Don’t Keep Your Brushes In The Bathroom

If your bathroom is prone to water spillage, moisture can cause bacteria and molds to grow and buildup in the brush to avoid contamination.  Instead, you store your toothbrush in the drawer or storage cabinet and let them dry.

Remember, a healthy mouth needs a clean and new toothbrush to clean effectively. You can note down the date of your purchase and keep a reminder. So that you can get rid of the old ones in time to buy a new one and make your daily teeth cleaning effective.

If you have any other concerns like tartar buildup or tooth decay and want a quick solution, get teeth cleaning and whitening treatments from our expert dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care.  For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.