Should You Change Your Tooth Brush Often?

Yes, you should. So when was the last time you changed your toothbrush? If you’re unsure about it, maybe it’s time to look at it. We throw out expired foods & vitamin supplements and restock with new ones, you must change dental tools like your toothbrush more often than needed. If you’re on orthodontic treatment, you must take this into serious consideration to change them. And Dentist Bundoora recommends changing your toothbrush often & you should not be careless when it comes to your dental hygiene. Want to know why it is necessary to change them often? Here are our answers.

Kids Dentist

Change Your Tooth Brush Every 3 Months

To maintain optimal dental health, dentists Bundoora recommend changing your toothbrush every three months. Toothbrush loses their effectiveness over time & their bristles won’t be sturdy enough to eliminate the plaque or dirt from your teeth. When the plaque is not removed, it may even lead to gingivitis.

Wash & Dry Your Tooth Brush

Also, some don’t wash & dry their toothbrush thoroughly. As a result, the dirt or paste residue remains in the brush & form a buildup in the bristles. When you don’t clean the bristles, dirt & germs lurk behind the bristles & you risk having an infection. Whether you have a cold or fever, this buildup can harm your teeth & lead to infections & possible teeth fallout.

Your Brush bristle Can Grow Mould

If you keep the toothbrush in an upright position without a plastic mouth guard, fungus and bacteria can grow on the bristles. And when you use this over-used toothbrush without proper cleanliness, sickness & infection is in the rearview.

Bottom Line

If you’re planning to shop dental products, ask Dentist Bundoora about what you should be buying based on your individual needs. Also, consider having deep cleaning & teeth whitening from the Dental clinic in Bundoora once in a while to ensure that your dental health is in top condition.

For professional teeth, cleaning & whitening, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843.

Start 2022 With A Dental Check-Up – Here’s Why?

Who doesn’t like a picture-perfect smile? Turn your awful looking teeth into awesome with regular visits to the dental clinic in Bundoora. As you kickoff the New Year 2022 with loads of resolutions, make sure to have oral health as one of them. Many people assume that staying in proper health or having picture-perfect teeth can be done with brushing & flossing. However, maintenance goes beyond brushing & flossing says dentists in Bundoora. When you start the New Year with a dental checkup, it has many benefits associated with overall health. Let’s get to know.

Dentist Viewbank

Tartar Removal

Regardless of how well you brush and floss your teeth, plaque (tartar buildup) can’t be removed with a toothbrush. Tartar is difficult to remove with a toothbrush so special tools available at the dentist office are needed to remove this unwanted substance. It leads to cavities & slowly ruins your teeth. So, make sure to remove Plaque, tartar & cavities can be avoided by visiting the dentist Bundoora regularly.

Periodontal Disease

Dental checkups are not only about cleaning your teeth or polishing them. It’s more than what you can expect. Just like cavities, periodontal (gum) disease also goes unnoticed because it does not cause any pain in its early stages. It results from erosion of the gum tissues & causes an infection between the tooth and gums. There are also possibilities of serious problems such as heart disease and respiratory illness. These issues can be avoided by visiting thedentist Bundoora.

Get Dental treatments

Whether you have habits like smoking or consuming too much liquor or tobacco, it’s time to get help from a dental professional to help you relieve the bad habits. Your professional dentist will advise you & help you start concentrating on your oral health. It’s why visiting a dentist in Bundoora at this time of the year proves to be a good move. Moreover, you can also discuss options to help strengthen your teeth, correct dental discolouration and misalignments & reverse some of the visible damage you’ve already experienced.

So, if you want to set the Year 2022 just right when it comes to your oral health, consult with dentist Bundoora from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Book Your Dentist Before The End Of The Year – 2021 – Here’s Why?

It’s the end of the year! Moreover, things are about to get busy with parties, meetings and get-togethers. If perfect teeth are your goal, visiting dentist Bundoora should be on your to-do list. They can turn your smile beam with pride & ensure it is clean and healthy. If you haven’t planned your dental visit yet, now is the time to do. Still, thinking? We’ve got some good reasons for you. Let’s get started.


Dental Insurance

If you have a dental insurance plan going on, it’s good to use them at this time as they reset the monthly plans during January. You can take dental visits or treatments during this time to reap the benefits. Also, check with your dentist Bundoora about the treatments available under the plan and ensure that you will get the most out of it.

Protect Your White Teeth

It’s the best time for teeth cleanings & checkups. With all the sweet indulgences during the holidays, it’s best to clean & clear any dental problems before they flare-up. You can go for teeth whitening and teeth polishing to ensure your teeth are clean, white and healthy. Also, it’s good to embrace New Year with clean & healthy teeth.

Make Way For A Picture-Perfect Smile

A healthy smile looks the best in pictures. So, why not make some effort to make that true? You can get rid of stains, discolouration and take any dental advice or take dental treatments. Whether it’s taking care of your cosmetic needs or complex dental treatments, talk to your dentist & get the treatment right away. When left untreated for long periods, it can pose dental issues & can be expensive. So, never let your smile fade your confidence and take teeth cleanings seriously.

Whether you’re looking for perfect teeth or planning to gift oral health to someone you love, make sure to get dental appointments from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

How To Prep Up Your Snow-White Smile This Christmas – Here’s How?

As the Christmas season is around the corner, it’s time to look your best in all aspects and binge on all your favourite cakes and pastries. This is the time like most of you buy clothes, get skin & hair care appointments to look good at all the Christmas parties and get-togethers. However, what about your smile? Isn’t it great to gift yourself a teeth cleanup & polishing to razzle-dazzle your smile right away? Teeth whitening from professional Bundoora dentists can help boost the colour of your teeth from dull to sparkling and ensure it is germ-free. It’s easy to fall for some extra cookies and cakes when you’re a sweet-toothed person. However, we have mentioned some tips here to help you have a snow-white smile This Christmas. Let’s get started.

teeth whitening

Oral Care Routine

It’s a general rule of thumb to brush and floss regularly twice a day and Christmas is no exception. When the sweet treats are in constant connection with the teeth, your teeth will be prone to cavities and decay. Therefore, it is best to pay extra attention during the festive season.  Use a gentle toothpaste and dentists recommended mouth wash to keep your teeth away from germ attacks.

Include Cheese To Your Diet

Say cheese! Did you know? Cheese is good for your teeth as it neutralises the plaque acid and prevents tooth decay. So if you’re craving cakes, eat cheese to increase saliva and releases compounds that prevent acid attacks & keep your teeth enamel-safe and strong. If you’re a diabetic, make sure to get suggestions from Dentists Bundoora on what to avoid.

Invest In A Good Tooth Brush

There is nothing wrong with investing in a new toothbrush, mild mouth wash and cleaners at this time. So, it will help you prep up your teeth for Christmas & New Year & prevent the risk of teeth cavities and gingivitis. Moreover, your picture-perfect style smile will reflect in the pictures you click at the parties.

Bottom Line

Whether you’re already in orthodontic treatment or just want to whiten your teeth for the festive season, visit the reputed dentist for teeth whitening treatment & make way for a snow-white smile at this festive season. If you’re looking for dentist Bundoora, Call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

Are Fluoride-based Tooth Pastes A Friend Or Foe? – Check Out!

If you’re keen on using safe dental products, you must always get the help of dentist Bundoora. We are talking about toothpaste & are glad that you’ve landed on the right page. Most of us are unaware of the toothpaste that we use and what they contains. We think it’s an essential product to keep our teeth clean and mouth fresh-smelling. When it comes to toothpaste, most of the toothpaste varieties have a mineral called Fluoride, it helps to strengthen the teeth and bids goodbye to dental cavities. Fluoride-based toothpaste was popular for years for treating cavities & for keeping your mouth clean, smelling better and stronger. If you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment or wearing metal braces, using dentist recommended toothpaste will help keep your teeth clean, healthy and good-smelling.

Dentist Viewbank


So, what is fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens teeth & prevents dental cavities & gives better health. However, when excessive fluoride consumption happens, it may be a threat to your health & come up with other side effects. Right from tap water to grapes & potatoes, they are consumed through various foods. So, when you have sensitive teeth, make sure to visit a dentist Bundoora to guide you.

 Is Fluoride Safe?

Fluoride is safe for use in toothpaste, gels & spray & it is good to use. Apart from consuming fluoride in small amounts, it should not be ingested into your body in huge concentrations. If you have children at home below ten years of age, make sure to hand them a toothpaste that contains a minimum of 1000ppm.

Using fluoride-free toothpaste with natural ingredients can be a good option as well as it helps to maintain the pH level of the mouth to limit bacterial growth & bad breath. While Fluoride-based toothpaste is a good bet for cavities and bone strength, it’s advisable to get recommendations on which cleaning products to rely on from a greenwood dentist.

Are you still undecided about which one to go? Schedule an appointment with dentist Bundoora at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843.

Are Invisalign Aligners Worth The Hype? – Things You Should Know

Yes. It is worth the hype and let us tell you why. If given a choice, would you choose invisalign or braces?  If the immediate answer is invisalign aligners, you’ve come to the right place. Over the decades, clear aligners have become a popular orthodontic tool to align & straighten teeth. The reason people admire invisalign is it’s fast results, invisible appeal, and comfort.  However, if you’re planning to visit dentist Bundoora for orthodontic treatments to straighten your teeth, they always recommend the treatment based on the severity of your dental issue.  For people who are curious to know about invisalign, how effective it is, or what it can do for you, we appreciate you staying with us in this article for 2 min.

Dentist Rosanna

What Is Invisalign?

Like brands with similar products, invisalign is the brand name of a clear aligner designed to keep your orthodontic treatment less painful & comfortable with faster results. Invisalign aligners are made up of a material called Smart Track & aren’t invisible fully. Their clear covers may appear less noticeable than the traditional braces.

Types Of Dental Issues That Invisalign Solve

Invisalign is used to straighten crowded teeth, misaligned teeth & teeth gap issues as well as mild & moderate issues.  It is used to treat various dental issues such as overbite, under bite and cross bite issues & open bite issues.

How Effective Are Invisalign Braces?

Invisalign appears to be more effective than other types of clear aligners. For people with complex dental issues, dentists Bundoora always recommend a different orthodontic treatment plan. However, invisalign these days are coming with enhanced effectiveness that can fasten the result on the wearer’s teeth. It requires maintenance like cleaning the aligners regularly & using specified cleaning solutions. Take help from dentist Bundoora will go a long way in achieving the desired results.

If you opt for invisalign or any effective orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth, get a consultation from our dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

How To Take Care Of Your Aligners?

Nothing can be more satisfying than owning a beautiful smile. That’s why people with dental issues like jaw misalignment & protrusion, crowding & gaps go for braces & Invisalign aligners. Both are customised orthodontic appliances recommended by Dentist Bundoora & are intended to correct your smile the way you desire. If you’re a fan of Invisalign & want to know the maintenance it takes, you’ve landed on the right page. When it comes to taking care of the aligners, how to keep them clean is one of the most asked questions who opts for treatment with clear aligners. Read on below to find out how to keep aligners clean and well-maintained for a beautiful smile.

Teeth Whitening

Rinse Your Aligners

If you have got your aligners for the first time, it can be intimidating to maintain their appeal. However, a gentle rinse with warm water after eating or drinking something other than water will keep them clean. It will ensure that the aligners are free of bacteria, thereby keeping your aligners clean & healthy when you wear them.

Avoid Putting Toothpaste On Aligners

When it comes to maintaining aligners, orthodontists & dentists in Bundoora recommend patients avoid toothpaste on the aligners to prevent damage. As aligners are invisible, toothpaste can be abrasive on the aligners & damage its appeal. Instead, you can use aligner cleaning solutions specifically made for cleaning.

Don’t Leave Aligner Trays Open

The best way to keep the aligners clean is to keep them inside the aligner trays. When the aligners are in the case, it is safe from external damage, bacteria buildup & moisture.

Avoid Coloured Drinks

Another tip to keep your aligners clean and healthy is to avoid consuming coloured & aerated drinks like sodas, juices, and coloured water. It’s because they can stain the teeth & affects your beautiful smile.

Soak Your Aligners In Lukewarm Water

Soaking your aligners in lukewarm water can keep your aligners hygienic & free of odour. Also, it’s the best way to keep the aligners clean but ensure to soak them for at least 15-20 minutes in a cup of lukewarm water.

The quality & longevity of the aligners depends on the type of aligner you choose & the maintenance you make to keep them clean. You can follow the tips to take care of your aligners. For orthodontic treatments and customised tools, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

Flossing Is Important For You When You Have Braces – Here’s Why?

Braces are an effective way to straighten your teeth, correct overbites, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, jawline correction, and jaw disorders. However, when you have braces, cleaning and flossing can seem a bit harder and frustrating. Cleaning and keeping the teeth white with braces takes time and effort & once you practice, you can keep your teeth feeling clean and healthy. Regular brushing & flossing is crucial when you have braces to curb cavities and gingivitis. People with braces are prone to bacterial infections as they fail to clean and floss their teeth. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the importance of flossing your teeth.

Dentist Greensborough

When you have braces, the brackets on your teeth trap food particles & the wires get in the way, making it harder for you to clean.  When left uncleaned, the bacteria settle in, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.  If it is difficult to clean the hard-to-reach areas, you’re more likely to develop gingivitis & cavities.

When you floss regularly with braces

It prevents swollen & bleeding gums & decreases chances of tooth decay, gum disease & prevents white spots from forming around the brackets. It keeps your teeth clean and healthy and makes the world better.

Floss Your Teeth The Right Away!

Waxed floss proves to be a better option and is more effective in cleaning your teeth; it is much thicker than unwaxed floss & glides in easily than unwaxed ones.

You can also use a floss threader, which slips between each teeth and cleans them gently. Also, young children with braces should get help from parents or Bundoora dentist while flossing for a safe and better clean.

Take an 18-inch floss using a threader, gently use the end of the threader to direct the floss under the wire. Then, gently slide the floss along the side and up into the gum line of each tooth. Remove the floss and re-thread it under the wire to pass between the next pair of teeth.

However, flossing alone is not enough. You should brush three times a day and spend at least brush for 2-4 minutes, gently on the brackets, gumline, and the inside to clear all the leftovers. Also, ensure to eat teeth-friendly foods and avoid foods that damage your braces.

Do you need braces? Or need advice on cleaning your teeth? Call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

Types Of Dental Implants & Procedures You Need To Know

Why shy away from showing off your smile? Whether you have lost your teeth or have a damaged one, dental implants are the most recommended method to replace & restore the missing tooth. Dentists replace your damaged or missing tooth with an implant from its very root & take the functionality of a natural tooth. Dental Implants come in various sizes, shapes and can be customised to meet your needs. You can visit dentist Bundoora to replace your teeth & make your teeth more desirable & confident. When it comes to dental implants, there are different types of dental implants available & recommended to patients as per their severity. So, let’s get started.

Teeth Whitening

Types Of Dental Implants

 Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are made up of titanium with a small screw-like structure that holds the artificial teeth and is placed directly onto the jaw bone. They can hold one or more artificial teeth.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal Implants are made up of a metal framework and placed above the jawbone. These are recommended when the patient has an underlying condition or has any other issues.

Single Tooth Replacement

A single tooth replacement with a dental implant & is used with a dental crown to replicate a natural tooth.

Multiple Tooth Replacement

Sometimes, when a person is missing two or more & for them, your dentist may use implant-supported bridges in the mouth.

Full Teeth Replacement

When a person is missing all their teeth, a fully edentulous arch is used. Nearly 4 to 6 implants are placed in the mouth to support a full mouth denture. It helps restore the normal functioning of the teeth.

Ridge Modification

In extreme cases, a patient may not have enough bones to support the implant. So, the dentist lifts the gums from the ridge and fills the gap with bone or a bone substitute to help build up the ridge.

Sinus Augmentation

The maxillary sinuses are air-filled cavities that are placed above the back portion of the upper jaw. A sinus augmentation is lifting the maxillary sinus to make enough space for the new bone.

Bottom Line

Knowing your options helps you prepare for a better outcome & to get the best service for dental implants, contact dentist Bundoora, Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.

Make Preventive Dental Care As Part Of Your Spring Cleaning – Here’s Why?

Spring has begun & many of you have started to clean your house in full swing. Spring cleaning is not only about cleaning or getting things fixed, it’s also about taking care of your oral health. Dentist Bundoora explains why preventive dental care is crucial for you and how regular dental care visits help you evaluate your oral health, provide accurate solutions to teeth issues and ensure your overall health is well. Many people do not make dental visits as they should & we have got some good reasons on why they should and how it benefits them. Let’s get started.



Prevents Plaque

Regular dental cleanings help support your dental care journey and prevent you from serious illnesses. When you make regular dental visits, your dentist will examine your teeth and suggest the dental care routine you need to follow. It may include cleanings, plaque removal, tooth scaling or whitening to ensure that you have a clean, healthy & pearly smile.

Stops Gingivitis

When your gums are swollen, weak, and bleeding, you may have to visit a Bundoora dentist to know the root cause and resolve it. However, when you keep your preventive dental care, you can put a stop to gingivitis from turning into periodontal disease or bone loss.

Controls Bad Breath

Some of you think it may not be a serious issue like dry mouth from medications, poor oral hygiene, or smoking. If that’s not the case, talk to our dentists to ensure that isn’t a big issue.

Maintains Your Glucose Levels

Preventive dental care helps to have a check on your health. As diabetic patients are more prone to developing gingivitis and periodontal disease, preventive oral care will help balance your sugar levels, reduce inflammations and prevent arterial & heart disease.

Heart & Brain Health

A good diet, exercise and oral care will help prevent gum disease, arterial, and heart disease. As heart strokes & Alzheimer’s disease are linked to poor dental care, preventive dental care and good oral hygiene become a necessity.

Turn Your Eyes Here!

Preventive dental care during the spring proves to be a step towards your oral health and with many beneficial reasons to look up to, make regular visits to dentist Bundoora. So if you’re looking for dentists across Bundoora, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843 today.