Why Your Teeth Get Crowded? – Find Out The Reasons!

Dental crowding is a common orthodontic concern that can impact your health, smile, and confidence. When your mouth doesn’t have enough space for all your teeth, the new teeth will take a new place rather than their natural position to grow. All this leads to crooked and crowded teeth.  Dental crowding can put you up with discomforts like a cross bite, teeth overlapping, the strain on biting, jaw pain, and bleeding when brushing and flossing, and can be difficult to go through. However, every dental concern has a solution. Your dentist in Bundoora may suggest an Invisalign or braces align the crooked teeth and transform your smile. In today’s blog, let’s discuss why your tooth gets crowded and what can you do about it.

Losing Baby Teeth Early

If a baby tooth is lost early, the adjacent teeth will shift to the space, and when the new teeth emerge, it start to occupy an unnatural position to grow. This results in your teeth getting crowded and crooked. When this is left unchecked, you will start to face cross bite or overbite, pain in the jaw.

Extra Adult Teeth

Sometimes, an extra tooth in your mouth causes pressure on your jaw and gums, making them swollen and painful. These extra teeth grow behind your primary teeth where the teeth attach to your jaw. This is called a dental arch.

Tongue Thrusting

When you develop the habit of placing the tongue in the wrong position during swallowing either too forward or to the sides, the pressure from the tongue causes the teeth to move and leads to crowding.  Stress may also be a contributing factor to tongue thrusting.

Other Causes

Sometimes, factors like abnormal tooth growth or large teeth or reverse swallowing or having a small jaw, and dental crowding can be a common issue.

To ensure you combat the negatives of crowded teeth, visit thedental clinic in Bundoora. For appointments, call Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.